efecto de imajen redondada
"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">CVI-lab: Get a fast impression of the effects and their illustration qualities.
Shows some of the things corner.js does.
class = "corner"
class = "corner ishade50"
class = "corner ishadow20"
class = "corner ishade50 ishadow20"
class = "corner ishadow40 inverse"
class = "corner iradius16"
class =
"corner iradius24 ishadow33 inverse"
class =
"corner iradius20 ishadow33"
class =
"corner iradius8 ishade75 ishadow33"
class =
"corner iradius16 ishade66 ishadow30"
class =
"corner iradius32 ishade50 ishadow25"
class =
"corner iradius48 ishade33"
Scaled and linked
justcorners.js instead of corner.js
- Initialisation class "corners"
- vary the radius by adding iradius followed by the desired radius in pixel:
Corner radius class "iradius24" - min=0 max=100 default=16 - vary the corners by adding iradiae followed by the desired bits as bitchain:
Corner selection class "iradiae1010" - default=1111 [top left|top right|bottom left|bottom right] - vary the border by adding iborder followed by the desired width in pixel:
Corner border class "iborder2" - min=0 max=100 default=0 - vary the border color by adding icolor followed by the color as string:
Border color class "icolor0000ff" - min=000000 max=ffffff default=0000ff
class =
"corners iradius32"
class =
"corners iradiae1010"
class =
"corners iborder1 icolorffffff"
Supports "usemap"
Images used are copyrighted and are used for demonstration only.
Setting Up
Download corner.js and include it into your webpage.
<script type="text/javascript" src="corner.js"></script>
Using It
To add corners just add a class="corner" and an additonal class like "iradius16" to the image.
- Initialisation class "corner"
- vary the radius by adding iradius followed by the desired radius in pixel:
Corner radius class "iradius24" - min=0 max=100 default=0 - vary the shading by adding ishade followed by the desired opacity in percentage:
Image shading class "ishade50" - min=0 max=100 default=0 - vary the shadow by adding ishadow followed by the desired opacity in percentage:
Image shadow class "ishadow33" - min=0 max=100 default=0 - vary the shadow by adding inverse:
Shadow invert class "inverse"
If you want flexibility, use "cvi_corner_lib.js" instead of "corner.js". You can make your images respond to user actions (e.g. changing one or more options when the image is hovered over).
- Set defaults using Javascript
cvi_corner.defaultRadius = 0; //INT 0-100 (px)
cvi_corner.defaultShadow = 0; //INT 0-100 (% opacity)
cvi_corner.defaultShade = 0; //INT 0-100 (% opacity)
cvi_corner.defaultInverse = false; //BOOLEAN - Add images using Javascript
cvi_corner.add(image, options);
image should be an image element: document.getElementById("myimg")
options can contain one or more values: {radius: value, shadow: value, shade: value, inverse: value}- Example:
cvi_corner.add(document.getElementById("myimg"), { shadow: 75, shade: 0 });
- Modify images using Javascript
cvi_corner.modify(image, options);
If the image has already an effect but a option value has changed, the effect will be changed accordingly.
- Example:
cvi_corner.modify(document.getElementById("myimg"), { radius: 50 });
- Remove effect from an image using Javascript
Alternatively use "cvi_corners_lib.js" instead of "justcorners.js".
- Set defaults using Javascript
cvi_corners.defaultXradius = 16; //INT 0-100 (px)
cvi_corners.defaultYradius = 0; //INT 0-100 (px)
cvi_corners.defaultCorners = "1111"; //STR "0000"-"1111" [top left|top right|bottom left|bottom right]
cvi_corners.defaultBorder = 0; //INT 0-100 (px borderwidth)
cvi_corners.defaultColor = "#0000ff"; //STR "#000000"-"#ffffff" bordercolor
cvi_corners.defaultOpacity = 100; //INT 0-100 (% borderopacity)
- Add images using Javascript
cvi_corners.add(image, options);
image should be an image element: document.getElementById("myimg")
options can contain one or more values: {xradius: value, yradius: value, corners: value}- Example:
cvi_corners.add(document.getElementById("myimg"), { corners: "1010" });
- Modify images using Javascript
cvi_corners.modify(image, options);
If the image has already an effect but a option value has changed, the effect will be changed accordingly.
- Example:
cvi_corners.modify(document.getElementById("myimg"), { xradius: 20, yradius: 10 });
- Remove effect from an image using Javascript
Why use Javascript Image Corners?
- Fast and easy to implement. Just add class="corner iradius[n]" to the image and your good to go.
- Don't need to spend time in an image editor creating images with corners.
- Works really well with forum avatars. Doesn't require additional server work.
- It's dead easy to change the attributes of the corners.
- Free of charge use on non-commercial and private web sites.
In older browsers, the script degrades and your visitors won't notice a thing.
Please read the License before you download corner.js 1.8
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions before you contact the author.
Version 1.8
- Added smooth border shading and shining
- Added border support for cvi_corners_lib.js and justcorners.js
- Added scriptable lib versions cvi_corner_lib.js and cvi_corners_lib.js
- Added soft shadows for Internet Explorer 6/7
- Added support for img attributes:
id alt title src onclick - Added Internet Explorer support for iradiae
- Added support for Internet Explorer 6/7
(iradiae is missing and shading isn't complete)
- Added usemap support for block element surrounded images
- Added soft shadows
- Appended justcorners.js
- Initial Release
Please leave any comments at this contact formular.
Original idea is mine but the inspiration for the script came from reflection.js.
corner.js, justcorners.js and cvi_corner_lib.js, cvi_corners_lib.js are distributed under the Netzgestade Non-commercial Software License Agreement.
License permits free of charge use on non-commercial and private web sites only under special conditions (as described in the license).
This license equals neither "open source" nor "public domain".
There are also Commercial Software Licenses available.